Home / Shop / General Tools E-Z Pro Aluminum Mortise & Tenon Jig Kit

General Tools E-Z Pro Aluminum Mortise & Tenon Jig Kit

  • Detail

    Ready to use right out of the box to produce 1/4 In. mortise and tenon joints for cabinets, furniture and frames. Included are bushings for also producing 3/8 In. and 1/2 In. joints with other size optional spiral up cut bits (not included). Using a plunge router with the jig, woodworkers of all skill levels can cut fully aligned mortises and tenons ranging from 1/4 In. to 1/2 In. wide and from 1 In. to 3 In. long. Integrated clamps and swing arms align and secure wood for accurate joints. Jig body made of solid aircraft grade aluminum. The jig can be mounted directly on a workbench or onto a board that can be clamped in a vise or to a bench. Includes 1/4 In. high speed upcut spiral bit, bushing guides for 1/4 In., 3/8 In. and 1/2 In. tenons, two-part base plate/bushing adapter, centering tool and adjustment wrench.

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